Friday, June 13, 2008

Hemerocallis 'Barbara Mitchell'

Barbara Mitchell

Chosen Love

My Belle

Mountain Violet

Fairytale Pink

Baby Betsy

I'm in the garden at the crack of dawn. I'm always eager to see what is new for the day.  If anything major has to be done it must be accomplished before 9:oo a.m. while the temperature is pleasant.

Back inside for toasted French bread with blackberry preserves, maple flavored sausage/Jimmy Dean, and scrambled eggs served with a cold glass of milk and finished with a nice cup of coffee.  Did I mention hubby cooks? Life is good.


Anonymous said...

I'll have a garden full of 'Baby Betsy', and a table full of your breakfast, please! Coffee to go!

Mother Nature said...

Come on over. ;) Isn't it amazing, Roberto, my neighbors do not know what I had for breakfast nor seen my flowers that bloomed today, but you, who live half way round the world, have. Have a good day.