Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Male Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

arrive first. Females arrive later. We have seen some males that seem to be just stopping by to tank up on nectar and move on. This one, however, has been around all day and has been perching in a nearby tree to oversee the feeder. As you can see, he likes the pineapple sage.


Anonymous said...

Way cool! Do you have any more hummingbird photos you can post? If not feel free to continue posting more desserts.

Mother Nature said...

Bird photos are few and far between, Jeff. Desserts...Let's see...How about something chocolate?

Anonymous said...

Chocolate is always a winner but sometimes a pecan pie really hits the spot.

Mother Nature said...

Usually made at Thanksgiving and Christmas from current year's harvest is probably why they are favored here. However, someone we both know is the queen of pineapple upside-down cake.